Monday, January 23, 2012

Vegetables and Herbs and Squash, Oh My!

To prepare myself for going full-on primal for the next 7 weeks, I explored the web, searching for blogs and websites with great ideas. Nom Nom Paleo has been great at teaching me how to make broths, and Everyday Paleo offers a user-friendly recipe index and lots of easy recipes.
So it turns out primal eaters absolutely love their pork and bacon, and basically all pig-related super-treif meats. No biggie. I can smile and nod and just skim past those recipes. On the brighter side, it also turns out that primal eaters share my and Anthony Bourdain's passion for a leaky egg on top of just about anything. After a delicious meal of leaky eggs over cooked spinach, I wondered what other produce would taste good in the same delightful position.

And so, off to Mapherson's produce market I went, canvas grocery bags in one hand, adorable toddler chewing on dried mango in the other. And as she tried to grab every banana she could and put them in the cart, I filled up bags with parsnip, basil, spaghetti squash, Brussels sprouts, green onions, beets, roma tomatoes, blueberries, romaine, cilantro, Italian parsley, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, red onions, yellow onions, peppers, avocado, celery, yams, and limes.
But before I could get out my eggs and start experimenting, my older sister Francine took over my kitchen. I wasn't about to protest. After all, she did go to culinary school, so who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? She roasted halved roma tomatoes and sliced zucchini with salt and pepper in the oven, then coated the roasted veggies with mashed avocado, cilantro and lime juice. On the side was sliced avocado with more lime juice and freshly ground peppercorns. I would NEVER have thought of this amazing combination, but it was crave-able and filling. I followed lunch with a cup of organic English Breakfast tea, to squelch any urge to snack.

Any fun ideas for what I can do with my produce haul?!

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