Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The title says it all: Frustrated! My inches continue to go down, but my weight stays the same. My skirts fit better, but my weight stays the same. Grrrr. I know I should be happier about the inches than the weight, but the number on the scale means something to me. Because once that number starts going down, that's when the real inches will melt off like a witch with a water allergy!

Every single day I work my tushy off at Max10, but the pounds only come off when I eat like a bird. The strength training and constant cardio have to be doing something, though! I definitely feel stronger, faster, and I have way more endurance. My kick-boxing form is much more centered and smooth, and my left cross is becoming as powerful as my right. I have more energy and enthusiasm when I'm playing with my kids. I'm more likely to sit on the floor with the baby than I was when my muscles were still weak from 9 long months of heavy pregnancy that ironically threatened to force me to the ground via gravity.

My theory is that my body is building up the strength to lose the massive amount of weight. My muscles are aware of my intentions and are gearing up for a big win (or loss...get it?).

Another challenge faces me: BASAR FEST 2011! I coordinate this annual festival of meat, including a barbecue and a wish me luck. Obviously you should all come and support the cause...but even more so, you should all come and police my eating!


  1. Maybe since you are working out so hard, you are losing inches and building muscle, so the weight is balancing out. You might need to eat like a bird to actually lose the pounds...although that doesn't sound fun. Another option might be not gaining muscle while working out right now, like walking on a treadmill and doing crunches instead of doing that super hard-core workout that you are doing now. You have to balance out the eating and the working out. Like on "The Biggest Loser," they work out like mad, but they eat specific foods and only a certain number of calories to balance it out. Maybe check out the diet they use. I'm sure you can Google it. I could be totally wrong, by the way, or I could be right. It sounds good, though :)

  2. This is the Biggest Loser daily meal structure, good suggestion, thanks! I'll for sure try it starting today and log it here on my blog!

    Breakfast: 1/2 serving protein, 1 serving whole grain, 1 serving fruit
    Snack: 1/2 protein, 1 fruit
    Lunch: 1 protein, 1/2 whole grain, 1 vegetable
    Snack: 1/2 protein, 1 fruit
    Dinner: 1/2 protein, 1/2 whole grain, 2 vegetables
